English - Germanالأرشيف

How to stop a genocide and how to live

Mazin Qumsiyeh

On this 329th day of the accelerated slaughter of the people of Gaza that
has spread to slaughter of the people in the West Bank, it is good to
reflect and share with you my thoughst and concrete ideas on how to stop an
ongoing genocide.

A new offensive against the indigenous people of Palestine by the western
(especially US) supported killing machine: apartheid Israel. Now colonial
setters and “soldiers” of are invading towns destroying infrastructure and
killing Palestinians in the northern areas of the West Bank. Jenin, Nablus,
Tulkarem, Tubas and their refugee camps are especially impacted. This will
dwarf the 2002 massacres and intends to be the beginning of the “clearing”
of the West Bank making it another Gaza. The Western supported Nakba
(catastrophe/holocaust) continues. Read about this here
To understand the psychology of destruction by the settlers (hooligans or
squatters), read this from 2002 when the Jenin refugee camp was largely

How to stop a genocide?
“The best way to predict the future is to create it” (Abraham Lincoln).
I would add : Don’t just vote – revolt and reclaim our common humanity

Lina Sleibi beautiful rendition of John Lennon song “Imagine…I am not the
only one” in English and then Arabic is timely https://youtu.be/mRgBCZ-RDlo

AND Palestine will live https://www.facebook.com/reel/495715633050202

A “poem” I wrote in 2019 titled “Shame on us!”

Yesterday we had a visit to our institute (palestinenature.org) from a
group of 33 global visitors organized by Sabeel. I am honored to have been
a part of Sabeel (ecmenical liberation theology group, see sabeel.org).
The same group and I attended a memorial the day before for our departed
friend Marc Ellis, the father of Jewish liberation theology (see
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_H._Ellis) and also a member of Sabeel
since its founding. His work (especially his book on “was critical for
shaping many of our thinking on this. I will share with you the inspiring
recording of the memorial soon.

Our institute continues to grow against all odds. It is an oasis of peace
and of activism, a light inthe darkness of colonization and genocide.
Please watch this short video https://youtu.be/qt8OTGoS198 and review this
10 year booklet
then do support our important work
by volunteering (https://www.palestinenature.org/volunteer/ )
by donating (https://www.palestinenature.org/donations/ )
by following us (https://www.facebook.com/PIBS.PMNH )
by visiting us (https://www.palestinenature.org/visit)
by staying in touch with us

Thank you

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
facebook pages
Personal https://www.facebook.com/mazin.qumsiyeh.9
Institute https://www.facebook.com/PIBS.PMNH
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